вот инфо про бог Мин и Орион -
Min (sometimes incorrectly transcribed as Chem) was a god and the patron of traveling caravans, in Egyptian mythology, known since the Predynastic Period, and even worshipped by the Scorpion King. Originally, Min was the constellation Orion, which as the most god-like constellation, put Min in charge of the sky, consequently in charge of thunder, and of rain, since they fell from the sky . Subsequently, Min was identified with Horus, who was also a God of the raised arm (a reference to the shape of Orion), and usually depicted as such.
This identification as Horus survived until the Middle Kingdom, when the two had begun to develop separate identities: Horus as a solar deity (since the sun crosses the sky), Min as a fertility deity (since rain makes the land fertile). In particular, the rendering of Orion that was Min, was one that chose to depict the 3 bright stars of Orion's belt as an erect phallus, contributing to this separation. Min's phallus is known to be exceptionally large, but rather than sexually symbolic, it represents fertility. With his many different aspects, Min was a popular god, but in later mythology was absorbed into the more significant (at the time) god Amun, since Amun was associated with the ram, viewed as a symbol of virility. This association with virility lead to Amun-Min gaining the epithet Kamutef, meaning Bull of his mother. As Amun-Min, he was often found depicted on the walls of Karnak.
созвездие Ориона - иконография Ориона - укратитель быка (Телец).
он же возможный символ трезубца - http://gerodot.ru/viewtopic.php?t=2025&start=15 - которую держит в руках богиня Инанна...
А лабрис тоже имеет схожую с Орионом форму - лабрисом убивали быков (укротитель быка?)
Орион - фалистический бог Мин в египетской мифологии бог путешественников и плодородия - а на лабрисе изображались колосья пшеницы...