Знаки Фестского Диска

Модератор: Velhan

Сообщение Dedal » 28 янв 2007, 10:08

RIK писал(а): почему диск состоит из двух половинок, может действительно внутри что-то есть,как подметил один из исследователей 8) .

Это что-то из области новых технологий
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Сообщение Velhan » 29 янв 2007, 08:47

например не подделка ли это самого Луиджи Пернье?

Нет. Очень непохоже. Есть аналогии, о которых Пернье не мог знать.

почему диск состоит из двух половинок

Он не "состоит из двух половинок", он надписан с двух сторон.
Марио идет грабить банк! (с).
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Сообщение Disk » 11 авг 2007, 13:41

Кто-нибудь знает дешифровку диска Кушлейко?
Хотелось бы услышать ваше мнение
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Зарегистрирован: 10 авг 2007, 18:34

Сообщение tmt » 17 фев 2008, 19:23

Хотела написать там -

Тут товарищ Фестский диск расшифровал. Опять.

но почему-то отказал сервис -

http://www.answers.com/topic/phaistos-d ... ent-claims

Sergei V. Rjabchikov 1998 (interpretation as a Slavonic dialect, syllabic writing [6][7]);
A-side first; reading outwards;
Marco Corsini, 2003 (interpretation as a Greco-Creto-Egyptian document [8])
A-side first; reading outwards;
F. G. Gordon 1931. interpretation as Basque. (Gordon, F. G. 1931. Through Basque to Minoan: transliterations and translations of the Minoan tablets. London: Oxford University Press.)
Gia D. Kvashilava 2006. interpretation as Old Colchian, syllabic-logogram, writing A-Side first, reading outwards (Kvashilava, Gia D., 2006. "The Phaistos Disc - Colchian Goldscript" [9]) [10]; Tbilisi: Georgian and Abkhaz National Academies Press.)
Мир построен по принципу аналогии.

"АВРОРА" тонет.
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Прокопий Кесарийский
Сообщения: 8418
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Сообщение tmt » 27 фев 2008, 21:54


вообще то мне интересно - есть ли отклики от тех людей ,которые были перечислены выше...
K. Меcи (США), М. Корсини (Италия), Р. Виени (Италия), Ив Диуо (Белгия), Д. Румпел (Германия), Т. Тимм (Германия), Г. Рулвинк (Нидерланды), Г. Оуенс (Греция), К. Вамлинг (Швеция), Г. Зебиш (Австрия) и др.,
Сколько времени нужно обычно на рассмотрение подобных писем?
Да нет от них отзывов, и быть не может. Что им, больше заняться нечем? Если это не такие же фрики, конечно.

Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2006 20:42:10
From: M.G. Corsini
To: Gia Kvashilava
Subject: The Phaistos Disc

Dear Sir Gia D. Kvashilava,
The Apotheosis of Rhadamanthys (the Egyptian pharaoh Montuhotep I) is in proto-Ionic Greek dialect of about 1840 B. C. My research now seems to point to the origin of the pictographic writing in Colchis where the disc of Vladikavkaz (with the name Rhadamanthys slightly varied: Montuhotep I varied his name three times) was found years ago. As you say Minos was the husband of Pasiphae, sister of Circe and Aeetes. And in the Apotheosis we have Minos (Amunemhat III), and Megaera daughter of river Acheron (on the Black Sea). I think now (see my last work in Italian) that Greek sailors and merchants (at the orders of the Egyptian pharaohs) in search primarily of gold (the golden fleece) gave the writing to the Black Sea peoples to better comprehend each other by the figurines referring to the local civilization and the phonemes of the Greek one. Your civilization, not language, is probably concerned by the Phaistos pictographic and also by the Apotheosis.
We are here at the beginning of the European civilization.

M.G. Corsini

Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 11:04:35
From: Gia Kvashilava
To: M. G. Corsini
Subject: The Phaistos Disc

Dear Mr. M. G. Corsini,
I have read your web-site (23.06.2006) in English and in Italian:
1. I’d like to tell you that every word written by me (also, written to you) is protected by patent and I expect you and others to mention me when citing, just as accurately as I do it when I quote other scientists;
2. You write that “So an Egyptian pharaoh had a Colchian (Caucasian, of Indo-European race) wife”. It is true that in the Caucasus there are some Indo-European nations, e.g., Armenians. But it is certain that Colchis are not Indo-Europeans_ neither is their language Indo-European (see, e.g., W. F. Humboldt, P. Kretschmer, A. P. Meillet, E. Schwyzer, F. Schachermeyr, A. Urushadze, E. J. Furnée, and others);
3. You write: “In Armenia, little before reaching the Phasis river, Xenoph0n ...”
The river Phasis is the Colchian river on the Colkheti plain, at the Black-Sea shore (see: Apoll. Rhod.). It was never the habitat of Armenians.
4. Your E-mail to me (14.06.2006): “Your civilization, not language,..” It is doubtful that a civilization of the nation can exist without its own language and culture. See, again, Old Green sources:
“So Medea told all she [Circe] asked _ the daughter of Aeetes of the gloomy heart, speaking gently in the Colchian tongue” (Apoll. Rhod., IV, 730).
“[Medea] began to say a long prayer in Colchian dialect” (Diod. Siculus, “The Library of History”, IV, 52-3);

Best regards,
Gia D. Kvashilava

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 12:14:52
From: Prof. Dr. Rumpel
To: Gia Kvashilava

Dear Gia Kvashilava,
Thanks for your note on your Diskos work. Of course I would be interested in your results. Have you got a publication on your text?

Best regards,
Prof. D. Rumpel.

Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 17:45:59
From: Y. Duhoux
To: Gia Kvashilava
Subject: Re: Decipherment of the Phaistos Disc

Thank you for your message. Nothing is impossible. But I would like to see more than a general statement. Whet about the text, its meaning, grammar, and the phonetic values of the signs?

Best wishes,
Y. Duhoux

Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2006 16:22:40
From: K. Vamling
To: Gia Kvashilava

Dear Gia,
Thank you for the interesting information. If you have any more documentation about this I would be happy to read it.
As you may know, we have a special research interest in Megrelian at the School of International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER), at Malmoe University. Jointly with R. Tchantouria we have published several articles on the language.

With best wishes,
K. Vamling

Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 14:37:32
From: K. Massey
To: Gia Kvashilava

Professor Kvashilava,
I congratulate you on the upcoming publication of your research on the Phaistos Disk. Always interested in what others have to say, I will look forward to examining your findings more deeply when it is available. As you know, a number of competing claims on the Phaistos disk coexist and, without finding more of examples of the script, it is unlikely that any one theory will ever be universally accepted as true. But that should not discourage us from doing exactly what you have done; research the Disk from a fresh perspective and publish findings. Your assertions are professional and intriguing. Again, congratulations.
Something you may want to assert in your book is that the absence of any close parallels to the PD in both form and orthography may indeed be evidence that its original provenance is outside of Crete. The notion that something was brought, via trade, from the area of the Black Sea to Crete is not impossible. I have seen claims that the helmeted man in particular bears a resemblance to Scythian models.

Good luck with your continued research,
K. M.

Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 16:54:48
From: Prof. Dr. Rumpel
To: Gia Kvashilava

Dear Mr. Kvashilava,
I indeed assume as you, that in the old myths there is more information as usually thought, but for my taste you probably delve too deep into that. Anyhow, I am interested in your book and please inform me, when it is out.

Best regards,
Prof. D. Rumpel

Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 14:25:55
From: H. Roolvink
To: Gia Kvashilava

Dear Gia Kvashilava,
In some respects I agree with your conclusions, but in my opinion the origin of the disc lies in the Middle East. I agree that the disc is about 4000 years old and that the signs on the disk should be read from the centre to the periphery, there is no doubt of it. A common rule is that pictographic signs have to be read in the direction in which people are walking or looking. (I call it "from the right to the left" but that is less important). A translation starting in the periphery is always wrong.
The eight-petaled rosette is the initial sign; it represents not only the sun, but also the royal power and a royal house. In the glyphic of the Hittites in Bogazköy it can be found frequently. The pictorial signs on the disc are probably a specimen of a very primitive Luwish script. The Luwish script was a hieroglyphic script of the Hittites that was used before or simultaneous with the difficult cuneiform.

My best wishes,
H. Roolvink

Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 09:51:13
From: R. Vieni
To: Gia Kvashilava
Subject: About Phaistos Disc

Dear Professor Kvashilava,
I have read how much you write to me about the Disk of Phaistos.
I am convinced that it doesn't deal with writing; but I am a teacher a great deal fussy and a great deal honest intellectually, for which will attentively read your indications, your references, your data and the sources and, as soon as I am able, I will write to you.

A dear regard and thanks,
R. Vieni.

Date: 5 Dec 2006 09:54:53
From: H. Zebisch
To: Gia Kvashilava

Dear Mr. Kvashilava,
Many thanks for your e-Mail.
I will ask Mrs. Heide Zebisch (his second wife) if she has still one book of each remaining.
If not, I'll make you a copy of the two books you mentioned because I possess one single book of each in my library so you can be sure to get the text in either original ore copied edition. Please be patient, I could not yet reach her yet, maybe she is on holiday. She also lives in Schaerding.
As regards your further questions, I try to give my answers in your text:

30 Nov. 2006
Dear Mr. Zebisch,

I felt terribly disappointed and unhappy to hear from you that Mr. Herbert Zebisch, whose works and personality determined the purpose of my life, departed this world. I first hear about your father from one of the important newspapers in Tbilisi as a sixteen-year-old boy in 1989. The newspaper told about your father's works that are connected with the Phaistos Disc and about his hypothesis on the Georgian language being the language of the Disc; also about "Pelasgian being the mother of Georgian/Kartvelian languages."

The reporter who wrote the article made an interview in Budapest/Hungary in a hotel, where my father and I attended a congress ("EIRENE"-Congress, Univ. of Budapest, and Sept. 1988).
On this congress he met four scientists from Georgia who invited him to come to Tbilisi. One of them was an archaeologist, Mr. Lordkipanize. This contact was followed by correspondence and an invitation to the "6th Int. Symposium on the Eastern Black Sea Coast in 6th cent. B.C." held in Vani in Sept. 1990, where I also was invited and my father delivered a speech about his work. In consequence, Mr. Lordkipanidze and her daughter visited him in Schaerding, stayed here for some days in his house and they had a close contact for some years.
The next official presentation was on 7th Int. Cretological Congress in Rthymnon. Crete, Aug.1991. He also delivered a speech there and accompanied him. Alas, reactions were more or less 'zero', because current scientific majority at those times believed in the old theory that there would be some "ancient Greek" behind the symbols of Linear and the Discos. And he was not a "player" in university life; he was more seen as an "outsider" and "enemy". I helped him a lot from the background and paved the way that he got the invitations to such congresses mentioned.

I graduated from the faculty of mathematics at Tbilisi University, and also studied all I thought was necessary for the attempt of deciphering the Phaistos Disc text. The deciphering is finished now, and the hypothesis of your father is proved _ the language of the Disc is Old Colchian (West Georgian), and it is a wonderful hymn!

That’s great! In case it is possible for you, I would be very interested in a copy of your work or short summary in English.

You father is well known and honoured here in Georgia. My book on deciphering the Phaistos Disc is being prepared for publishing; of course I mention your father and his works, but I would like to know the date of his birth and brief biography.

He was born 22.3.1920 in Aussig an der Elbe (today Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic). The family was "Sudetendeutsche", i.e. belonging to the big German minority in that country. His father, Prof. Hermann Zebisch (1884-1954) was director of the German Gymnasium in Usti nad Labem. He was professor for mathematics, physics and psychology. I think, from him he heritable the talent for maths. His mother was the daughter of a fur-trader, from her he herited the talent of an artist. After having started for one year studying economics in Prague University he had to join the German Army and served there for 5 years in Russia and Greece.
It was a hard time for him because he never liked war. He had one brother, 2 years older, who lost his life in the first days of the war.
Most of Germans, also my father’s (and mother's) families, were expelled from Czechoslovakia after World War II. They had to leave everything behind, just happy to save their lives.
He survived and in 1945 he started studying Chemical Engineering at Graz University (Austria). He married a girl from his old home town, Edith Hennlich. I was born in 1948 as their first child (they had 5) in Graz. After having obtained his Dipl.-Ing.-degree in chemistry, the family moved to Schaerding, where he started to work in my grandfather's company as a sales-engineer for technical products. In 1970 he established his own company, called "Chemie- und Anlagenbau". The market of this company was mainly Austria and Balkan countries (former Yugoslavia). He died 5.3.1993. In his final years he worked "day and night" on his books about Pelasgian languages. I think, his double-talented personality (Maths and Arts) enabled him to find this new approach.
As far as I remember, he had written a computer-program in which he compared the frequency of the signs on the Disc of Phaistos with the frequency of syllables in many ancient languages. During such attempts he also found an old grammar of Colchian and "fed" his PC-program with these syllables. When the computer "answered" that there could be some resonance, he started to look for books on Colchian languages, learnt your language and its ancient grammar rules as good as possible and came to the conclusion that this way could be a successful one and tried first translations.
Just a little side-remark: He once told me, that after his 'answer from the computer which showed a resonance in syllables Discos/Colchian' he had a feeling like a light bulb had exploded in his head, his brains felt warm and he could not sleep for two days. His brains went on working and he had the feeling that he had no more control on them; it was like a "flow". His key syllable/sign on Discos was "ORBI" which he found to mean "ORBI" (=eagle) in the old language, but only the phonetic value "OR" was used (similar as ancient Egyptians did in their hieroglyphs: Having, e.g., the symbol of an animal but using only part of it as phonetic value for the text). The next step was that he made the theory, that also languages like Etruscan have their roots in this old pre-Greek language from ancient Colchis. This resulted in some more books, as you know.

I would be happy to have your father's books, especially "Pelasgisch: Eine Iberische Sprache" and "Iberisch: Die Sprache Der Götter."

I'll see, what can do for you.

Thank you for your e-mail. I have been looking for your father's e-mail address for many years, and now I found Zebisch and automatically sent my message; only later I understood that I made a mistake, but it was a lucky mistake!

Yes, I am happy that you found this contact. Mrs. Heide Zebisch, his second wife (after my mother had died in 1990), has kept all his written work (he also had started a "Dictionary" Pelasgian-German but never published), so in case you would come to Austria one day she certainly would be happy to let you see. Maybe, you can make better use of it than we can here. In case you need an invitation to come here, I could provide it for you and also help to finance the trip.
So you could see what has remained in the little museum-room of his library and unfinished works.
Thanks. I'll send the copy of the books to this address, please also give me your telephone number.

Sincerely yours,
H. W. Zebisch

Date: 16 Dec 2006 11:23:34
From: H. Zebisch
To: Gia Kvashilava
Subject: Re: About Phaistos Disc

Dear Mr. Kvashilava,
Now is weekend I have a little bit more time to answer.
I will write some comments into your text:

Thank you for your mails: I was so happy to receive a detailed letter about your father _ when he was in Georgia I was only at school and knew nothing of the Disc until I read about him (I have already written to you about it). You know, of course, how important it is in the cases like your father's (and mine) to feel support and understanding. I also have unpleasant moments when people cannot (or do not) accept my theory. Your father must have been very happy to have you by his side.

Yes, I can understand you very well. It is not easy in science to reverse any "classic" traditions. But, let's be happy society has become a bit more tolerant in the last millennium by no more putting such individuals on the funeral pile and burn them there... :-)
Nevertheless, also critics should be taken seriously and if they offer clear evidence one should be not too proud or selfish to re-think own theories. A great Austrian philosopher, Mr. Karl R. Popper (whom I admire deeply) once stated: "A theory is only valid as long as no better new theory is showing up. Existing theories always tend to "impregnation" against new ideas. It is always hard to break up established fronts of the predecent system".

(This has been published in Georgian, Historical-Ethnographic Researches, Tbilisi, 2006)
This paper presents the information on deciphering by the author the complete text of the four-thousand year old first imprinted religious-literary document _ the Phaistos Disc. The document is widely known, and has not been read until today _ it has been read by the author in the Georgian/Kartvelian language _ Colchian.

The History of the Phaistos Disc
The disc was discovered on the 3d of July of 1908 by an Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier on the island of Crete, in Phaistos _ the town excavated by archaeologists. It was conventionally dated 1850-1600 BC (the Bronze Age, Proto-palatial/Old Palace and Neo-palatial/New Palace periods, middle Minoan IIA-IIIB period); the disc is a clay plate of 6 inches (approximately 16 cm) in diameter, and weighs 380 grams. The disc is kept in the archaeological museum of Iraklion (Gallery 3, box 41, #EP-1358), the main port of Crete, Greece.
In 1992 a fragment of a clay plate that resembles the Phaistos Disc was found in Vladikavkaz. V. A. Kouznetsov published the results of his analysis of the fragment in his paper "Une Énigme Archéologique du Caucase".
Some attempts of deciphering the set of the Phaistos Disc signs as the ancient languages signs have been presented by a number of researchers.
The disc was studied by Sir A. J. Evans, A. Della Seta, A. Kober, M. G. Ventris, J. Chadwick, and V. J. Kean.
Special researches on the disc were written by Y. Duhoux, L. Godart, Ch. Henke, G. A. Owens, D. Rumpel, and others.
Of special interest is the hypothesis of an Austrian researcher H. R. Zebisch on the possible language of the Phaistos Disc; the hypothesis is presented in his book "Pelasgisch: Eine Iberische Sprache" (1988). Zebisch argues that the language of the pre-Greek population, namely, Pelasgian, is "the mother of Kartvelian languages". In 1988, in Budapest/Hungary, at the 18th International Congress of the Committee EIRENE, he declared that the language of the Phaistos Disc is "Proto"-Georgian. He called it "Proto", indicating that only the very old roots in the words can be used for decipherment, similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs and the Colchic sound-values found at the stone of Rosetta.

The hypothesis on the relationship of the language of the pre-Greek people and Caucasian languages was put forward by W. F. Humboldt, P. Kretschmer, A. P. Meillet, E. Schwyzer, F. Schachermeyr, S. Kaukhchishvili, A. Chikobava, S. Janashia, V. Georgiev, A. Urushadze, E. J. Furnée, T. V. Gamkrelidze, R. V. Gordeziani, Z. K. Gamsakhurdia, and others.

My Results of Deciphering the Phaistos Disc
A long time research and study of Georgian/Kartvelian languages enabled me to draw the following conclusions:
1. The language of the "Cyrbis" created by Colchian Corybantes, that means that the plate-letter _ the Phaistos Disc is Kartvelian, namely Colchian _ Mingrelian-Laz;
"According to classical sources, Corybantes were priests of the matriarchal Goddess Cybele of the Pelasgians living in the pre-Greek era, in the period of autochthonous tribes and pre-Hellenic period on Crete... Corybantes, who were supposed to be the creators of the script _ Cyrbs, were Colchians closely connected with Lemnian Cabeiri, the protectors of iron metallurgy and smiths." (Akaki Urushadze).
"Some call the Corybantes, and not the Curetes, "Phrygians", but the Curetes _ "Cretes", and say that the Cretes were the first people to don brazen armour in Euboea, and that on this account they were also called "Chalcidians"; still others say that the Corybantes, who came from Bactriana/Bactria [the present northern Afghanistan], some say from among the Colchians, were given as armed ministers to Rhea by the Titans." (Strabo).
Mingrelian-Laz (Colchian/Kolkhian) belongs South Caucasian, i.e. Kartvelian/Georgian family of languages spoken by the people of the Black Sea coast (the present West Georgia, provinces of Samegrelo/Samargalo _ Mingrelia/Megrelia/Mengrelia/Megralia, Abkhaz and north-east Turkey: Rize, Khopa, Arkabe, Vitse, Atina, etc). Mingrelians ("Margalepi" in Mingrelian) call their own language "Margaluri Nina", and Laz ("Lazepi" in Mingrelian) _ "Lazuri Nina". "Mingrelian and Laz are Colchian languages", according to Professor A. Shanidze.
Colchian language was spoken by the pre-Olympic Titans, the Sun-god Helios and the daughter of the Oceanus, Perseis' children: King Aeetes of the Aea-Colchis, Queen Pasiphae, the wife of king Minos of Crete, goddess Circe of the mythical island of Aeaea. Aeetes was the father of Medea, Chalciope, and Apsyrtus.
"So Medea told all she [Circe] asked _ the daughter of Aeetes of the gloomy heart, speaking gently in the Colchian tongue."(Apollonius of Rhodes).
"[Medea] began to say a long prayer in Colchian dialect". (Diodrus Siculus).

Very interesting. I remember, my father always said, that the heroes in the "War for Troja" were able to speak with each other because they knew the same language, maybe comparable to today's Arabic which is basically understood in almost all Arab nations.
So he said, in case he would have more time he would make research of the Trojan War and Homer's report on it under this aspect.

2. The pictorial signs imprinted on the disc are the specimens of "Colchian Goldscript";
The dates about «Colchian Goldscript» are mainly given in the works of Greek authors: Euhemerus, Haraxes of Pergamum, Joannes of Antioch, and Eustathius of Thessalonica.
3. The text of the Phaistos Disc is a hymn "Nenana" dedicated to the protector of "Aea-Neshkari", Pelasgian-Colchian Great Mother Goddess Nana/Rhea-Cybele;
Later in Christian Epoch, the monks of the Iveron monastery on Mt. Athos in Greece chanted to "Nenana" as to the Holy Mother of God (Bishop Porphyri Uspenski, 1877).

My research confirms:
1. The basic idea of Sir A. Evans, J. Chadwick, and J.-P. Olivier that the set of signs on the Phaistos Disc is a text;
2. V. J. Kean's hypothesis that on side A of disc the central symbol of the Aea-Sun _ the eight-petaled rosette is the initial sign;

Interesting. My father took it as a sound value (see his publication which I have mailed to you).

3. L. Pernier's hypothesis that the vertical line with five points on sides A and B denotes the end;
4. L. Pernier, H. R. Zebisch and V. J. Kean's arguments that pictorial signs should be read from left to right, i.e. from the centre to periphery;
5. The partial coincidence of the syllables deciphered by J. Fauconau, B. Fell, H. R. Zebisch, M. G. Corsini, and by myself;
6. The hypothesis of Sir A. Evans about the inscription being a hymn to the Goddess of fertility.

To 6: This hypothesis of Sir A. Evans I personally have always taken more as "fantasy", "projection" or "self-fulfilling prophecy", but may be, with his wide historical an archaeological knowledge he had much better access to such symbols than I do.

I am in a great hurry to put final touches to my book which will be both in Georgian and English. As soon as it is ready you will have the English variant _ I still do not know who will publish the book.
The members of the Vani expedition remember your father quite well; they promised me to make a copy of your father's presentation at their symposium in 1990.

That’s nice to hear. I think, the text of his publication in "Cretan Studies", 1992, (which I had scanned and mailed you a week ago) gives more details than his lecture in Budapest and is really a "smiling-up" of his work in which he also reveals his deciphering method.

I would very much like to publish some information about your father in the newspaper, something like your mail from 5.12.2006. Do you think it is possible to add more lines and his photo; and may I use some parts of your letter for this publication?

Of course, use whatever you want. I have mailed you the photo last week. Did you get it?
Just one more remark: My father was very active then with deciphering Etruscan. He was of the opinion; this language was the final stage of Pleasgian in the Mediterranean area.

As for my possible visit to Austria I would, of course, be very happy to come, though I have some problems with spoken German and English. I am, as always, looking forward to hearing from you.

The language should be no problem; I also have problems with spoken Georgian :-) We would certainly manage it. I invite you to come and you should not care about financing the stay here, for 3-4 days you can live and eat with us in our private house you are our guest. Also the flight Tbilisi-Vienna-Tbilisi would be played because it would be a great pleasure for me to show you the places where he worked, his library etc.

My best regards to Mrs. Zebisch.

She gave me the last full set of books and I sent them by post parcel, leaving Schaerding 13. Dec. to the address you had sent me, so I hope, you'll receive them soon although post has much to do with all the Christmas parcels....

Sincerely yours _ H. W. Zebisch
Мир построен по принципу аналогии.

"АВРОРА" тонет.
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Прокопий Кесарийский
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Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2006, 11:35
Откуда: georgia

Сообщение Velhan » 07 мар 2008, 01:05

Ну круто. Можно я это в http://community.livejournal.com/science_freaks/ опубликую? Большинство народа, которые ему ответили, просто очень вежливые люди и привыкли отвечать на письма так, чтобы не обидеть.
Марио идет грабить банк! (с).
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Откуда: Москва

Сообщение tmt » 07 мар 2008, 01:20

Velhan писал(а):Ну круто. Можно я это в http://community.livejournal.com/science_freaks/ опубликую? Большинство народа, которые ему ответили, просто очень вежливые люди и привыкли отвечать на письма так, чтобы не обидеть.

Так у них одной жизни не хватит отвечать на все письма из за вежливости.
А почему они ему ответили - думаю мы узнаем в ближающие годы - возможно решили отвечать ПОСЛЕ того, как ознакомились с его суждениями. (в отличие от некоторых) :D
Мир построен по принципу аналогии.

"АВРОРА" тонет.
Аватара пользователя
Прокопий Кесарийский
Прокопий Кесарийский
Сообщения: 8418
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2006, 11:35
Откуда: georgia

Сообщение iakl » 17 май 2008, 10:11

отдам ключ к диску :wink:
имеется ключ к фестскому диску
Сообщения: 8
Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2008, 09:28
Откуда: украина

Сообщение Dedal » 17 май 2008, 11:54

iakl писал(а):отдам ключ к диску :wink:

Тогда уж обнародывайте :)
А то одному достанется, а другим - нет.
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Модератор форума
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 1677
Зарегистрирован: 13 сен 2004, 20:01

Сообщение iakl » 17 май 2008, 19:32

на диске ''в''точно в центре :shock:
имеется ключ к фестскому диску
Сообщения: 8
Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2008, 09:28
Откуда: украина

Сообщение Dedal » 18 май 2008, 01:35

iakl писал(а):на диске ''в''точно в центре :shock:

А что это даёт :o
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 1677
Зарегистрирован: 13 сен 2004, 20:01

Сообщение iakl » 18 май 2008, 08:33

переворачиваем на сторону ''A'' вставляем ключ в замок и читаем текст
имеется ключ к фестскому диску
Сообщения: 8
Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2008, 09:28
Откуда: украина

Сообщение tmt » 18 май 2008, 09:30

И что получается?
На каком языке читаем?
Мир построен по принципу аналогии.

"АВРОРА" тонет.
Аватара пользователя
Прокопий Кесарийский
Прокопий Кесарийский
Сообщения: 8418
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2006, 11:35
Откуда: georgia

Сообщение iakl » 18 май 2008, 19:29

предложен ''ключ'',а прочитать это другая тема и об этом можна поговорить,размер одного из ''ключей''600mm/450mm
имеется ключ к фестскому диску
Сообщения: 8
Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2008, 09:28
Откуда: украина

Сообщение Dedal » 18 май 2008, 20:55

iakl писал(а):предложен ''ключ'',а прочитать это другая тема и об этом можна поговорить,размер одного из ''ключей''600mm/450mm

Чево, чево? :shock:

Прямо "Индиана Джонс" какой-то, бедный диск :) ,то распилить пытаются, то ключи больше замка подбирают.

Больше всего восхищает:
Ну был у евреев свод правил, нужно было его где-то хранить - сделали ящик - "ковчег" называется.
Так наши современники этот ящик в атомную бомбу превратили :lol:
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 1677
Зарегистрирован: 13 сен 2004, 20:01


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