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Jan. 24. Large transports of recruits are coming from the interior parts of this empire, to go and join army in the Vistula. Twelve regiments of militia, drawn from the Ukraine, are also march for the fajnc (?) perpose. The Edinburgh Chronicle on Monday, February 25, 1760 (Edinburgh, Midlothian)
A Russian army of men is assembled in the Ukraine, which is Destined for Germany and will proceed through Gallicia and Moravia, in several divisions. The Times on Thursday, September 26, 1805 (London, Middlesex)
The town of Kioff, the capital of the Ukraine, has been wholly destroyed by fire, and property to a vast amount. The Times on Monday, September 16, 1811 (London, Middlesex)
About the end of the 16th century, the inhabitants of the Ukraine made use of large canoes, which they plunged under water, to escape the pursuit, of the Grand Seignior's galleys. The Sandusky Clarion on Saturday, October 16, 1824(Sandusky, Ohio)
Independence of Ukraine Recognized by Bolsheviki. By the Associated Press. London, Wednesday, Dec. 19. -- A belated dispatch from the bolshevik agency at Petrograd announces that the ultimatum to the Ukrainians was accompanied by a proclamation recognizing without conditions or restrictions the right of Ukraine to separate from Russia and form its own republican government. The Washington Post Dec 21, 1917 (Washington, D.C.)